Monday, 23 May 2016

Witam was wszystkich.

Witam was wszystkich. Here's what happened through the week...

So the start to the week was naff as the weather was terrible. It was colder and rained a bit, I just wanted the sun to come back. So on Tuesday, we had our district meeting, led by the one and only me. It was good, we just read through Alma 26 and looked at how we can be more like Ammon when it comes to missionary work. It has to be one of my favourite chapters in the Book of Mormon. Another English class went well, although we were translating from Polish to English and they get really stressed out when they don't know a word and it's funny listening and watching them. The weather wasn't too great but we tried to spend as much time as we could outside doing things and talking with people. Elder Jeffs called me too and told me I was talking in sacrament meeting on Humility, I knew what I would be studying for the rest of the week during personal study. We had a really funny tracting experience in which we both broke out in laughter on one doorstep and then for the rest of the night it was so hard to keep a straight face. 

We had service again and we didn't pick weeds!! We helped clean around the hospice and move things around. It's good to get that 2 or so hours to focus on helping out at the hospice and nothing else. Bożena as always made us some good grub before heading back home to change quickly and head back to the chapel for a lesson with a guy...who didn't show...We used the time to better prepare for another meeting we had that evening..and by prepare I mean get ice cream. 

The elders from Gdańsk were down on exchange with the zone leaders so Friday lunch time we contacted in the sun for a few hours before getting Kraszkebab again..I've eaten so many Kebabs since coming to Poznań. I spent 60Zł on English ulotki..we now have 4800 English flyers to hand out..we spent an hour cutting them out at the chapel with the Poznań ulotki cutting song blasting in the background..which is 'Time to say goodbye' by Andrea Bocelli. Then we took to the town and had the 6 of us on the Deptak English contacting..when there's 6 of you in white shirts and ties you feel invincible. Sports Friday was also proper rained but it was still warm and we had a few people show up which was good. Probably the best one we've had so far.

Sports was fun, it rained and we got soaked but it was good fun!

That's what you get for having red trainers!

Saturday after English class we had a BBQ at the park which was sweet..Elder Alvarez took a bunch of pictures that I'll try and get off him. It was around 24 degrees on Saturday too. The hardest bit was getting everything including tables and food to the park. Elder Campora and I took a table down, it was a good long walk and the table wasn't light. We were dying by the end of it but we pulled through. My forearms are still aching from carrying it.

Sunday we had church in which I gave my talk. I ended up going for 20 mins. We didn't have too many people there which isn't what you want but it was still a good service. Three of the people there weren't members. Elder Campora led a good discussion afterwards in Sunday school about the scriptures. That evening we went tracting out east by the stadium as a district which was a decent end to the evening. 

The city is slowly becoming busier and busier each day which is good to see. Hopefully, we will have a good week. I'm treating myself to some new trousers today to replace the ones I ripped.I don't have the patience to sew them back up.

Till next widzenia.

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